Safety Tips - Extreme Situations

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Assertive, Aggressive, and Pushy Customers or Escorts

  • You have the right to say NO!
  • You have the right to set your own body limits.
  • Communicate your limits in an assertive manner. Be direct and firm about what you do and do not want.
  • Be aware of stereotypical behaviors that may be a warning sign of abusive attitudes and/or behaviors.
  • Plan ahead, give yourself lots of options, and trust your instincts.
  • If he/she/they makes sexual innuendos that do not match your feelings, tell him/her/them that you are uncomfortable with such comments. If you are ignored, that’s a red flag!
  • You do have the right to end a session and leave for any reason, at any time.
  • Be firm. You do not have to be polite to someone who is ignoring your feelings, or disrespecting you.


What is Sexual Assault, and Little Known Facts

  • Any sexual act attempted or committed against your will.
  • Forced sexual contact by dates, spouses, family members, acquaintances, or strangers, and yes even paid/paying clients.
  • An act motivated by a need for power and control, not a desire for sex.
  • Anyone can become a victim of sexual assault, regardless of gender, age, race, religion or social class.
  • 75% to 90% of the offenders are known to the victim.
  • Only 10% of sexual assaults are reported.
  • Due to the nature of adult entertainment and the attitudes regarding sexual assault against women, the client, and even the law, will make the provider of the service think it was thier fault they were assaulted in the first place.


Reporting Sexual Assaults

  • You were there. You know what happened. Only you know and have the right to report a rape.


If You Do NOT Want to Report or Aren't Sure

  • Go to a safe place.
  • Call for help, to a family member or friend.
  • Go to a clinic as soon as possible to check for internal injuries and/or sexually transmitted diseases. (Tel them you had painful, unprotected intercourse.)


If You Do Want to Report an Assault

  • Go to a safe place.
  • To help preserve evidence, do not douche, bathe, or change clothing.
  • Call the police - they will take you to the hospital and make a report.


What to Do If You are Assaulted

  • Know that you are not responsible for the behaviors of others.
  • After the incident. If you have been attacked or forced to defend yourself then get away from that location quickly. The attacker may return or they may have others close by. Go to a safe area first and then phone the police or friend. Tell them where you are and where the incident happened. Then let your friends or police come to you, do not arrange to meet them back at the scene.
  • You have the right to make decisions - whether to report it to the police, go to trial, or tell family and friends, etc.
  • Talk about it or deal with the assault when you are ready. Talk about it to who you feel most comfortable.
  • Know that if you want to report it, the sooner the better to preserve any and all evidence.
  • If you are having bad thoughts, dreams, can’t sleep or cope. Time may not heal the emotional wound. Speak to a rape crisis volunteer, seek counseling, or talk to a close and trusted friend. Professional people are trained to help you, but if that is not an option for you, please have a close friend to share and support you.